About Me

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Gregory Edgeworth - The Wisdom of a Seasoned Attorney
Ace Attorney Investigations 2

Personal / Contact Details

Female, she / her or they / them.

Omnisexual, omniromantic. Slight preference for women, but all genders are valid. Bonus points if you’re on either end of the cute & cuddly - buff & intimidating spectrum!

Poly relationships are my jam! But can do mono relationships, too. Not currently looking.

Under eighteen.

Call me Ghost, or GhostSalt. Don’t call me Ghosty, or Salt, etc., it’s a little triggering.

My IRL name is Juniper, nickname June (or Juni if we’re close). You can also use this name, if you want. Please do not use my deadname, unless we’re with people that I don’t want to know that I’m trans.

I have high-functioning autism. Some autistic traits I have include lack of understanding of social cues and special interests.

INTP-T personality type, if that matters.

I’d prefer no honorifics.

Northern Irish. Atheist.

Discord: ghostsalt12

Telegram: ghostsalt

Hobbies & Interests

My favourite hobby is making mods for a game called Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (partially explained on my KTaNE page).

I’m also a huge visual novel fan. Specifically, Professor Layton, Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick. I’m also currently playing Hotel Dusk. It’s great! Go play it! :D

I’d say I have an eye for graphics and stuff. Not a graphic designer, but I like to make abstract backgrounds and SVGs, and that includes my profile picture!

I’m also a furry! Woohoo! I don’t have a fursona at the minute, but I used to. I ditched him a while ago, though — I found he wasn’t a very good representation of me. I’ll get another in the future, though. Thinking of being an otter.

I play the piano, violin and accordion — doing Grade 8 piano and Grade 6 violin (ungraded accordion). Also, sound design is my passion™

Mental Health, etc.

I used to have self-diagnosed depression, and a very low self esteem, and have been like this for as long as I can remember. However, I think it was gender dysphoria, as it went away when I changed to being trans.