Last Day of Easter Break

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7th of March, 2024 — 21:30

It’s my last day off school, before it starts back again.

We were given assignments to do, over the break, which was a pretty asinine move, on the school’s part. I was given a boatload of coursework to complete for Computer Science, and need to complete a write-up for my Music composition, and lots of Maths stuff.

I’m very good at procrastinating, though. Very, very good. So good, in fact, that I’ve done none of the work, and only have one hour and thirty minutes to do it in, before midnight. It’d be impossible to get any of the work done, even just for one subject.

So! I’m screwed. The assignments are laughing at me, knowing I can’t do them. It’s joever.

I know I’m gonna get through the day, but I don’t know what the teachers will do. They might put me on a catch-up program. They might give me detention. Who knows.

Ugh. I just wish I was more productive, and did the boring real-world things that need to be done, rather than spending my time modding, or working on a website that I know nobody sees.

I’m just so lazy. I wish I could stop.

8th of March, 2024 — Period 4

I think I overreacted, yesterday. Sure, I’m lazy, and sure, I’m in a bad situation, but it’s not as bad as I thought. Coming up to Period 5, Computer Science, I feel fine. I should be able to lie, again.

8th of March, 2024 — 21:50

Forgot to update this :)

I’ve left things late again. For tomorrow, I need that write-up, and some Maths homework. Not sure if I can make it in time, but we’ll see.

I have two study periods tomorrow, so I should be able to get the Maths done then. I’m gonna focus on the write-up.